Tag: Computer Science

  • Java vs. Python: Choosing the Best Language for Selenium Testing

    Introduction: In our final group assignment, we explored testing in Python, and just last week, I blogged about using Selenium. Sticking to this testing theme, it’s intriguing to compare Java and Python, two powerful languages widely used with Selenium for automated testing. Drawing on insights from a Testrig Technologies article, this post examines which language…

  • Mastering Automates Testing with Selenium and Java

    In the ever evolving world of software development, automated testing has become indispensable. Using tools like Selenium combined with Java, developers can automate their web application testing, improving efficiency and accuracy. This blog post delves into the key takeaways from a helpful Sauce Labs article (https://saucelabs.com/resources/blog/writing-tests-using-selenium-and-java) that outlines how to write testes using Selenium and…

  • Understanding Object-Orientated Testing

    Testing In context of software development is a critical process that involves systematically checking a program or system to ensure it performs as intended. In software development, It is really important to check our work making sure everything works as it should. When we write code using object-orientated programming (OOP) which is a common way…

  • Black Box vs White Box Testing

    In the ever changing and dynamic field that is Software development, understanding the nuances of different testing methodologies is crucial for ensuring quality and reliability. I would like to say that I stumbled upon the blog “Black vs White vs Grey Box Testing” on Shakebugs.com however, the truth is I was still a little confused after…

  • Software Quality Assurance and Testing

    Well, here we are again. My final software class which no offense to professor Wurst as he is great I am just happy with because I am in the Big Data Analytics concentration and I realized early on in my CS career that coding and software were not my specialties. This semester you can expect…

  • Happy path and “The Pride lands”

    In the realm of user experience and product development, the concept of the “Happy Path” is crucial. It refers to a streamlined, problem-free journey a user experiences when interacting with a product or service, aligning perfectly with their needs and expectations. This idea, vividly explained in a blog post by UserPilot (https://userpilot.com/blog/happy-path/), resonates deeply with…

  • Navigating the world of Software Licenses

    As a student delving deeper into the world of computer science and software development, In class we recently came across the topic of software licensing. The article “Software Licenses” by Ben Lutkevich which can be found here offers a comprehensive overview of what software licenses are and why they are crucial in the software industry.…

  • Agile Development

    As I am in my 4th year in the Computer Science program at Worcester State University, I am trying to find topics that resonate with not only what we learn in class but with practical application as well. I came across a post discussing “Agile Software Development,” A methodology I’ve only ever heard of in…

  • Josie’s Notes Introduction

    So I guess I have to start blogging now. I never really thought I would be doing this but here I am. This Blog is starting out because of my class CS-348 Software Management Process but who knows where this will go, Anyways that is all I have today… Ciao Ciao

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